Sunday 28 October 2012

Merlin Card and Calendar Pages

Morning everyone

I hope that those of you in the UK or in GMT remembered to put your clocks back an hour last night and benefitted from some extra time snuggled up in bed!

Today I am going to share a card and some calendar pages I made featuring one of the Cramlington SOS dogs.  As those of you who follow my blog will already know I make and sell cards to help raise funds for our local community group, and using members' dog photos has become very popular.  The very first card I did back in May featured an "out of the frame" image and of course everyone wanted their dog done in the same way so it became quite a feat of ingenuity to make each one the "same but different".

And here is Merlin

Merlin is a Chinese Crested (hairless) dog hence my choice of frame and background for this card.

And the matching insert:

But Merlin's moment of glory doesn't end with a card as he also features as Mr February in the A4 calendar, also for Cramlington SOS

And he becomes Mr June in the slimline version

And the original photograph that gave rise to all this celebrity for Merlin (courtesy of Pat Heard)

In all I have done a dozen or more dog cards/calendar pages featuring the different dogs in this way.

The challenge this week at Digitally Sweet Challenge Blog is pets so I am going to enter Merlin as I think he definitely fits the bill!

Thankyou for calling in to visit my blog.

Catherine x


  1. oh Catherine these are just amazing - I'd love to see all twelve months of the year - if they all as good as this it will be a truly stunning calender.

    Merlin is fab - what a star.

    Ann xxx

  2. What a fantastic way of raising funds and a fabulous technique. Thank you for playing along at Digitally Sweet this week.

    Hugs Ali x

  3. This is just AMAZING! The colors really show it off! Thanks for sharing it with us at Digitally Sweet!
